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A simple to use API for creating private servers for Growtopia with nodejs.


The documentation here matches the code on the Github repo and not on NPM.



  • node-gyp
  • Python 2.7 (3+ can be used)
  • Windows Build Tools/Build Essential
    • NodeJS v14+
    • MongoDB
    • Redis Server

Installing the Requirements Simply run this as Administrator in Windows Powershell,
$ npm install windows-build-tools node-gyp -g

If on Linux, simply install build-essential first with,
$ sudo (yum/apt-get/etc...) install build-essential

After that, install node-gyp by doing
$ npm install node-gyp -g

After installing everything (windows or linux), simply run
$ npm install pogtopia to install the latest version on NPM, or
$ npm install Alexander9673/Pogtopia to install the version on Github.


const Pogtopia = require("pogtopia");
const { readFileSync } = require("fs");
const server = new Pogtopia.Server({
    server: {
        port: 17091, // set port to 17091,
        cdn: { // CDN Options for the server, this will not be updated, you will have to find the CDN yourselves.
            host: "ubistatic-a.akamaihd.net",
            url: "0098/87996/cache/"
        itemsDatFile: "/path/to/items.dat", // Path to items.dat
        serverDatFile: "/path/to/your/server.dat" // Optional. The path to the server.dat file

// uncomment this line to enable the built-in HTTP Server
// Pogtopia.Http.start({ serverIP: "", serverPort: 17091, httpsEnabled: false });

server.setHandler("connect", (peer) => peer.requestLoginInformation()); // request login information from the peer

server.setHandler("disconnect", (peer) => {}); // handle peer disconnections

server.setHandler("receive", (peer, packet) => {
    // handle packets here


Check the js/tests/server.js file for a much better example.

Custom Cache

You can implement a custom cache instead of redis.
When implementing your own cache, you have to have these methods with these return types:

public set: (key: string, val: string) => void
public get: (key: string) => any
public del: (key: string) => void
public keys: (pattern: string) => string[]

If you are wondering why the return type for get is any, it's because the value can be anything from js objects, to js arrays. Anything that can be parsed from a JSON string is converted.


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