A simple to use API for creating private servers for Growtopia with nodejs.
The documentation here matches the code on the Github repo and not on NPM.
Installing the Requirements
Simply run this as Administrator in Windows Powershell,$ npm install windows-build-tools node-gyp -g
If on Linux, simply install build-essential
first with,$ sudo (yum/apt-get/etc...) install build-essential
After that, install node-gyp by doing$ npm install node-gyp -g
After installing everything (windows or linux), simply run$ npm install pogtopia
to install the latest version on NPM, or$ npm install Alexander9673/Pogtopia
to install the version on Github.
const Pogtopia = require("pogtopia");
const { readFileSync } = require("fs");
const server = new Pogtopia.Server({
server: {
port: 17091, // set port to 17091,
cdn: { // CDN Options for the server, this will not be updated, you will have to find the CDN yourselves.
host: "ubistatic-a.akamaihd.net",
url: "0098/87996/cache/"
itemsDatFile: "/path/to/items.dat", // Path to items.dat
serverDatFile: "/path/to/your/server.dat" // Optional. The path to the server.dat file
// uncomment this line to enable the built-in HTTP Server
// Pogtopia.Http.start({ serverIP: "", serverPort: 17091, httpsEnabled: false });
server.setHandler("connect", (peer) => peer.requestLoginInformation()); // request login information from the peer
server.setHandler("disconnect", (peer) => {}); // handle peer disconnections
server.setHandler("receive", (peer, packet) => {
// handle packets here
Check the js/tests/server.js
file for a much better example.
You can implement a custom cache instead of redis.
When implementing your own cache, you have to have these methods with these return types:
public set: (key: string, val: string) => void
public get: (key: string) => any
public del: (key: string) => void
public keys: (pattern: string) => string[]
If you are wondering why the return type for get
is any
, it's because the value can be anything from js objects, to js arrays. Anything that can be parsed from a JSON string is converted.
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